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Principal investigator


José Alexandre Felizola Diniz-Filho 


I'm a professor at the Universidade Federal de Goiás since 1994, where I currently serving as

vice-rector (provost) of graduate studies. I've been a member of different committes in the 

Brazilian Agency for Graduate Studies (CAPES) and I’m 1A Level Producivity Researcher of the 

National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). I'm also a fellow of the 

Linnean Society, London (FLS) and, in 2014, I was elected as a member of the Brazilian 

Academy of Sciences. My research interests are mainly related to ecology and evolutionary 

biology, with an emphasis in macroecology, geographical ecology, phylogenetic comparative 

methods and genetics. I have served as associated and handling editor in several journals, 

including “Natureza & Conservação”, “Global Ecology and Biogeography”, “Ecography”, “Journal 

of Biogeography”, “Revista Chilena de Historia Natural”, “Insect Diversity and Conservation”, e 

“Revista Brasileira de Entomologia”.

Plataforma Lattes      Undergraduate Program in Ecology and Evolution 





Fabricio Villalobos


My research interests comprise a broad array of topics related to the fields of macroecology, biogeography, community and theoretical ecology, ecophylogenetics, phylogenetic comparative methods and conservation biology. I’m particularly interested in studying geographic patterns of biodiversity and the structure of ecological communities as well as understanding the causes that originate, maintain and alter such patterns. I focus mainly on vertebrates, especially mammals, but have work with other taxa including amphibians and birds, and currently have projects involving insects and plants. Currently, I integrate ecological and evolutionary approaches to study biogeographic and phylogenetic patterns, their relationship with the environment and the application of such studies to informed conservation assessments and actions. Aside from doing research, I love to travel, practice different sports and get my hands/ears on various kinds of music from all parts of the world. 

Email: fabricio.villalobos at

Personal website:



PhD Students


Davi Mello Cunha Crescente Alves


My main interest is to understand processes that shapes current biodiversity patterns of bats in a macroscale. Specifically, I´m interested in how macroevolutionary (e.g. speciation and extinction), biogeographical (e.g. range expansion and contraction) and ecological features (e.g. abiotic conditions) could determine the spatial distribution of biodiversity components such as species richness and traits (e.g. geographic range or body size). I'm also very interested in capoeira!

Email: davimello22 at



Hauanny Rodrigues


I work with geographical and population genetics to understand how ecological and evolutionary processes shapes species geographic distributions as well as the emergence of species richness patterns at broad scales. And, to better understand these biogeographical patterns, I use ecological niche models. 




Leila Meyer


I work with plant ecology and I’m interested in plant diversity patterns in broad geographic scale, diversity and structure of plant communities, and structure of plant populations. During the doctorate, I’ll investigate diversity patterns of the tribe Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae), and the ecological and evolutionary processes generating these patterns.

Email: leilameyer08 at



Lucas Jardim


In my research, I am looking for understanding how knowledge shortfalls and biased information could smudge established macroecological patterns and macroevolutionary studies. I am also interested about fragmentation effects and ecological modelling.

Email: lucas.jardim at



Jesús Nazareno Pinto Ledezma


I’m a bolivian ornithologist interested in macroecology, macroevolution and spatial analysis. At this time I’m working and trying to explain the geographic patterns of diversification in the neotropics using passerine birds as model. Also, I like birding, football (huge fan and partner of Oriente Petrolero), and drink beer!

Email: jesuspintoledezma at



João Fabrício Mota Rodrigues


My current interest is to understand the factors (ecological and historical) responsible for generating biodiversity patterns, relating them to latitudinal diversity gradient, diversification rates, ecomorphological rules and community assembly. I am also interested in biology and ecology of turtles and in general questions that could be addressed using reptiles as models.

Email: fabriciorodrigues303 at



Welma Souza Silva


I am botanist, doing the doctorate in Genetics and Molecular Biology at the Universidade Federal de Goiás. My main interest is in the use of molecular phylogenetics and comparative phylogenetic methods to seek better understanding of the evolutionary processes underlying a range of biodiversity patterns of Neotropical flora, mainly in Amazon Rainforest. Currently, my Phd research is on a clade of spiny palms. I also like to travel and cycling.

Email: welmabio at gmail com



Master Students

Cleiton Santos

I'm a graduate student in Environmental Science and Health, and, in my undergraduate course, I tried to overcome the Wallacean shortfall on the geographic distribution of amphibians in Goiás, Brazil. Now, I'm using Ecological Niche Modeling to detect localities in Brazil with high probability of human accidents caused by snakes from the genus Viperidae


Juliana Silva Prado

I'm a biologist. Now I'm a graduate student in Genetics and Molecular Biology at the Universidade Federal de Goiás, and biomedical student from the same university.
My main research topic is to understand geographic gradients in human populations by using models of evolutionary genetics and spatially explicit techniques (We will use craniometric data from W.W Holwees 1973, 1989 and 1995). I'm a dreamer and I love traveling!


Wanderson Santos

I'm a graduate student in Genetics and Molecular Biology at the  Universidade Federal de Goiás. My main research topic is to understand how the genetic component of body size drives the island rule. I'm using a simulation model to solve this task.






Former students




Kelly Souza

Lorena Mendes Simon

Ueric José Borges de Souza

Nayara Pereira Rezende de Souza

Mariana Rocha dos Santos

Mary Joice Ribeiro

Guilherme de Oliveira

Dilermando Pereira Lima Junior

Gabriela Cristina Cantisani Pádua

Marcel Muller da Silva
Thiago F L V B Rangel
Matheus Ribeiro

Natália Mundim Torres

Larice de Fátima Machado Couto

Márcio Cândido da Costa

Marcos Vinicius Carneiro Vital

Priscilla de Carvalho

Márcia Christianne de Souza

Daniel Blamires

Artur Borba Valgas
Fernanda Silva Bonfim

Flávia Melo Rodrigues
Leandro Silveira

Anah Tereza de Almeida Jácomo

Yeda Soares de Lucena Bataus

Cleiber Marques Vieira

Carlos Eduardo Ramos de SantAna

Edilson Divino de Araújo




Vanessa G. Staggemeier

Thiago Santos

Matheus Lima Ribeiro
Sidney Gouveia

Ricardo Dobrovolski
Olívia Penatti Pinese
Natalia Mundim Torres

Guilherme de Oliveira

Levi Carina Terrible

Fernanda Cassemiro

Daniel Blamires

Teresa Cristina da Silveira Anacleto

Cleiber Marques Vieira

Marilda Schwart Pasquali

Daniela Melo e Silva

Daniela Cunha Coelho

Flávia Melo Rodrigues
Carlos Eduardo Ramos de SantAna




Debora Medeiros

Ricardo Dobrovolski

Guilherme de Oliveira

Dayani Bailly

Victor Leme Landeiro

Fernanda Aparecida da Silva Cassemiro

Thiago Fernando Lopes Valle de Brito Rangel

Renata Alves da Mata

Leandro Silveira

Vanessa Graziele Staggemeier

Marcelo Weber




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