Publications GoogleCitations ResearchGate PlataformaLattes
Geographic patterns of biodiversity
Spatial autocorrelation and red herrings in geographical ecology
JAF Diniz‐Filho, LM Bini, BA Hawkins
Global Ecology and Biogeography 12 (1), 53-64 2003
Productivity and history as predictors of the latitudinal diversity gradient of terrestrial birds
BA Hawkins, EE Porter, JA Felizola Diniz-Filho
Ecology 84 (6), 1608-1623 2003
Climate, niche conservatism, and the global bird diversity gradient
BA Hawkins, JAF Diniz‐Filho, CA Jaramillo, SA Soeller
The American Naturalist 170 (S2), S16-S27 2007
Ecogeographical patterns
Climatic niche at physiological and macroecological scales: the thermal tolerance–geographical range interface and niche dimensionality
SF Gouveia, J Hortal, M Tejedo, H Duarte, FAS Cassemiro, CA Navas, et al.
Global Ecology and Biogeography 23 (4), 446-456 2014
Ecological and evolutionary components of body size: geographic variation of venomous snakes at the global scale.
LC Terribile, MA Olalla-Tárraga, JAF Diniz-Filho, MA Rodriguez
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 98, 94-109 2009
Climate history, human impact and global body size of Carnivora (Mammalia: Eutheria) at multiple evolutionary scales.
JAD Diniz-Filho, MA Rodríguez, LM Bini, et al.
Journal of Biogeography 36, 2222-2236 2009
Phylogenetic comparative methods
Darwinian shortfalls in biodiversity conservation
JAF Diniz-Filho, RD Loyola, P Raia, AO Mooers, LM Bini
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 28 (12), 689-695 2013
Phylogenetic uncertainty revisited: Implications for ecological analyses
TF Rangel, RK Colwell, GR Graves, K Fučíková, C Rahbek, et al.
Evolution 2015
An eigen vector method for estimating phylogenetic inertia
JAF Diniz-Filho, CER de Sant'Ana, LM Bini
Evolution, 1247-1262 1998
Exploring patterns of interspecific variation in quantitative traits using sequential phylogenetic eigenvector regressions.
JAF Diniz-Filho, TF Rangel, T Santos, LM Bini
Evolution 66, 1079-1090 2012
Geographical genetics
Spatial autocorrelation analysis and the identification of operational units for conservation in continuous populations
JAF Diniz‐Filho, MP De Campos Telles
Conservation Biology 16 (4), 924-935 2002
Mantel test in population genetics
JAF Diniz-Filho, TN Soares, JS Lima, R Dobrovolski, VL Landeiro, et al.
Genetics and molecular biology 36 (4), 475-485 2013
Thirty-five years of spatial autocorrelation analysis in population genetics: an essay in honour of Robert Sokal (1926 - 2012).
JAF Diniz-Filho, LM Bini
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 107, 721-736 2012
Spatial autocorrelation analysis and ecological niche modelling allows inference of range dynamics driving the population genetic structure of a Neotropical savanna tree.
JAF Diniz-Filho, ACOF Barbosa, Collevatti RG, et al.
Journal of Biogeography 43, 167-177 2016
Spatial statistics
Towards an integrated computational tool for spatial analysis in macroecology and biogeography
TFLVB Rangel, JAF Diniz‐Filho, LM Bini
Global Ecology and Biogeography 15 (4), 321-327 2006
SAM: a comprehensive application for spatial analysis in macroecology
TF Rangel, JAF Diniz‐Filho, LM Bini
Ecography 33 (1), 46-50 2010
Modelling geographical patterns in species richness using eigen vector‐based spatial filters
JAF Diniz‐Filho, LM Bini
Global Ecology and Biogeography 14 (2), 177-185 2005
Conservation biogeography
Seven Shortfalls that Beset Large-Scale Knowledge on Biodiversity
J Hortal, F de Bello, JAF Diniz-Filho, TM Lewinsohn, JM Lobo, RJ Ladle
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 2015
Partitioning and mapping uncertainties in ensembles of forecasts of species turnover under climate change
JAF Diniz‐Filho, L Mauricio Bini, T Fernando Rangel, RD Loyola, C Hof, et al.
Ecography 32 (6), 897-906 2009
Global agricultural expansion and carnivore conservation biogeography
R Dobrovolski, RD Loyola, F Guilhaumon, SF Gouveia, JAF Diniz-Filho
Biological Conservation 165, 162-170 2013
Geographical patterns of turnover and nestedness-resultant components of allelic diversity among populations.
JAF Diniz-Filho, RG Collevatti, TN Soares, MPC Telles
Genetica 140, 189-195
Climate and humans set the place and time of Proboscidean extinction in late Quaternary of South America
MS Lima-Ribeiro, D Nogués-Bravo, LC Terribile, P Batra, JAF Diniz-Filho
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 392, 546-556 2013
American megafaunal extinctions and human arrival: improved evaluation using a meta-analytical approach
MS Lima-Ribeiro, JA Felizola Diniz-Filho
Quaternary International 299, 38-52 2013
Constraint envelope analyses of macroecological patterns reveal climatic effects on Pleistocene mammal extinctions
MS Lima-Ribeiro, J Hortal, S Varela, JAF Diniz-Filho
Quaternary Research 2014
Phylogenetic eigen vectors and non‐stationarity in the evolution of theropod dinosaur skulls
JAF Diniz‐Filho, D Alves, F Villalobos, M Sakamoto, SL Brusatte, LM Bini
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28, 140-1416 2015
Phylogenetic eigenvector regressions in paleobiology.
JAF Diniz-Filho, LM Bini, M Sakamoto, SL Brusatte
Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia 17, 105-122 2014